Lidar Assisted Control for Wind turbines

ZXTM wind lidar provides rotor effective wind speed and rotor effective wind direction for feedforward lidar assisted pitch, torque and yaw control.
The wind is changing over space and time and conventional control reacts to the wind after the impact. The ability to preview the wind field and sensitively characterise fluctuations enables feedforward control design upgrades for improved turbine control performance, reduction of turbine loads, energy yield increases and lifetime extension potential. Starting in 2003, turbine mounted ZX CW lidars continue to be installed across major OEMs’ prototype turbines, and in operating wind farms. A variety of configurations may be utilised, including nacelle mounted and spinner/hub solutions.
High quality and high availability wind field preview with 50 point 1Hz circular scanning sample.
Bespoke on board wind field reconstructions and lidar data processing for lidar control sensor-ready and turbine type-specific outputs and control targets.
Improved turbine control performance potential, reduction of damage equivalent loads, and turbine design and performance enhancement opportunities.
Simulation and field test results consistently demonstrate industry leading ZX circularly scanning CW preview quality.
Design opportunities for onshore, fixed bottom offshore and floating offshore wind turbines.