wind speed at light speed
Accurate, affordable wind Lidars for remote wind measurements.

We are ZX Lidars
Our wind Lidars are deployed globally onshore, offshore and mounted on structures such as wind turbines for wind energy and meteorological applications.
zx lidars brochure
To learn more about how our Lidars can help you reliably and accurately measure the wind, download our product guide below.
Why Chose ZX Lidars?
We are 100% Lidars
We are specialists. We focus 100% on wind Lidars (Lidar / laser anemometers) and wind Lidar measurements. We have a unique history of innovation, world firsts and were the first to bring Lidars to the commercial market for wind energy. We are led by our customer’s needs and we are positively driving towards a better, more competitive wind industry.
Ease of Use
Our products don’t ordinarily need planning permission and are easy to mobilise and move across different sites and operate in all terrains – simple, complex and forested.
Our Lidars are built to last and have a proven track record of achieving more than 10 years operation, and across 1000’s of deployments globally with a low through-life cost.
Reliable Bankable Data
Our Lidars provide reliable data, accepted by consultants in simple and complex terrain around the world. Our systems are calibrated, they are validated by DNV, Deutsche WindGuard, Natural Power and UL, and have achieved Classification according to IEC 61400-12-1.
Wind data, as a service
We provide access to low cost, accurate and reliable wind measurements from industry-leading wind Lidars, and options for Sodars and met masts to suit every project requirement. We support ZX Lidars, Vaisala, Leosphere and AQSystem.